Восточный экономический форум - 2021

It was the 3rd Orientalist Scientific Conference opening the major session of the Forum: the first two sessions focused on relations between Russia and Japan and between Russia and China. This time Russian Historical Society was its lead organizer. The Conference was attended by Russian researchers from Vladivostok, Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Moscow, St Petersburg and by a large high-level delegation from Mongolian Academy of Sciences headed by vice-president of the MAS, academician Chuluunbaatar Gelegpil.

During the break, the exhibition “Russia – Mongolia: the Century of Good-neighborliness and Cooperation. The 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations” was opened. And there were presentations of important publications: the guide “Bibliography of the Mongolian Revolution of 1921”, prepared by L. V. Kuras (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology of the SB RAS) and N. Hishigt (Professor Institute of History and Ethnology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences)and books of the Palladium Charitable Foundation dedicated to Palladium Kafarov – one of the founders of Russian sinology and Mongolian studies.

Then the work was continued in three sections: “Russian-Mongolian relations: historical aspects”, “Russian-Mongolian relations: Cultural and humanitarian aspects”, “Russian-Mongolian relations: political, military, trade and economic aspects”.

This Conference actually became the first major international forum after a long Covid break. It not only demonstrated the importance of the issues, but also showed the critical importance of live direct communication between scientists.