Продолжается прием статей в третий номер журнала "Россия и АТР": «ГРАЖДАНСКАЯ ВОЙНА В РОССИИ: ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФИНАЛ»

The epoch between 1918 and 1922 was one of the most catastrophic periods in Russian and World history of the twentieth century. The revolutionary events in Russia and the fierce civil strife that followed, radically changed the traditional public life, actualized methods of coercion and violence in pursuit of political aims and paved the way for the strengthening of repressive methods in state policy in the later period. It is quite predictable that in the centenary year of the end of the Civil War the need for research comprehension of its causes, conditions and escalation, completion and results became more acute.

The frontier position of the Far East and interventions in the Civil War on its territory from various countries inevitably bring up to date the scientific reflection of the topic based on the regional approach as it was on the territory of Transbaikalia and the Far East that the final events and battles of the Civil War took place, which results determined the further fate of Soviet Russia.

The following issues are offered for consideration:

  1. Escalation of the Russian Civil War to the Far East. Organization of state power, activities of political parties and public organizations.
  2. The social and economic life of Transbaikalia and the Far East during the Civil War. The social and economic situation of the population. Everyday life and culture of the region during the Civil War and intervention.
  3. The policy of the Entente countries and foreign military intervention. Objectives, plans and methods of “pacification” of the civil population.
  4. The Far Eastern Republic and its role in the fight against foreign intervention. Significance of the guerrilla movement in completing the Civil War.
  5. The international situation in the Far East and Asia Pacific countries at the final stage of the Civil War. Significance of its outcome for international relations.

Paper submission deadline is May 15, 2022 (GMT+10).

The papers should be submitted via the electronic form on the journal’s website http://riatr.ru/send-article.html. In addition, please send papers to Lyudmila Ivanovna Galliamova, who is responsible for this section, to ludagal@mail.ru and to dvsovp@mail.ru.

The template of the journal paper is available on the website http://riatr.ru. If you have any questions, please contact ludagal@mail.ru with the subject line “Journal, the end of the Civil War”.